Serial Port Complete. Programming and Circuits for RS-232 and RS-485 Links and Networks

Serial Port Complete. Programming and Circuits for RS-232 and RS-485 Links and Networks

Serial Port Complete - Jan Axelson.pdf - book

spcerr.txt - the errata for the book - the source code for the book (mostly Basic, Visual Basic and a Delphi DLL)

Serial interface information to jump-start projects on several platforms. This is the first book to have extensive on RS-485, a widely used, industry standard interface for networks. This reference features original content based on the author's firsthand research and experience, not just rewritten specifications and marketing materials. Programmers, engineers and developers will use the designs in this book to get projects up an running quickly. Installation and maintenance staff will find tips for ensuring reliable operation and problem tracking. Students and computer enthusiast can use the book's complete, original examples and tools to design experimental projects for several computer platforms.

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