J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 7th book (NEW full updated)

J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 7th book
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books (July 21, 2007) | ISBN 0545010225 | PDF US, UK HQ covers | 759 pages | 4,44 MB
This is an updated version of the previous release. It's been substantially improved. The entire book has been carefully proofread, so the number of remaining errors should be minimal. A cover has been added, as has been the previously omitted prologue. A colophon has been added.
The pagination of the book was matched as closely as possible. As it is, the page numbering is almost perfect, with any given text no more than half a page off from the real book.


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