Building forums with vbulletin
Building forums with vbulletin
vBulletin is a very popular, commercial discussion forums application. Written in PHP, it is the system of choice for many of the biggest and most popular discussion forums on the Internet.
This book takes you step by step through setting up and running your own vBulletin website. In easy-to-follow language, it will show you how to select a vBulletin license, set up the site, and then customize and use it for maximum impact. You will learn how to use the powerful administration features of vBulletin, and even see how to alter the code to create your own 'hacks'.
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vBulletin is a very popular, commercial discussion forums application. Written in PHP, it is the system of choice for many of the biggest and most popular discussion forums on the Internet.
This book takes you step by step through setting up and running your own vBulletin website. In easy-to-follow language, it will show you how to select a vBulletin license, set up the site, and then customize and use it for maximum impact. You will learn how to use the powerful administration features of vBulletin, and even see how to alter the code to create your own 'hacks'.
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