Eclipse 3.3M5a released; direct download links

Note to non Canadians: Eclipse 3.3M5eh has been released, 'amusingly' changing the name to fit in with Canadian mannerisms. (For the more international of our readers, the 'eh?' is quite a common word used in conversation at the end of the sentence, in much the same way as other languages would add 'no?' or 'you see?' at the end of a sentence, and pronounced the same way as a letter 'a'. So if you are mirroring a subset of milestone releases and are using wildcards like '3.3M5?-*' you might want to change them to '3.3M5*-*'. Here's the links.

Pick an operating system and then right-click to download the SDK without having to navigate the Eclipse downloads site. This will transparently redirect to an HTTP mirror automatically.

This has been raised as a bug in the Eclipse bug-tracking system, and is trivial to implement (not the least of which is that the above links demonstrate that it works). However, It's been marked as RESOLVED FIXED in despite the fact that it isn't fixed, and therefore fallen into the category of bugs that will never see the light of day. How long do you think JetBrains would take to fix a download on their server?


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